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Drew Brees talks about Thursday's training camp presented by Verizon practice

Quotes and video from Brees' first day of camp at The Greenbrier



New Orleans Saints Quarterback Drew Brees
Post Practice Media Availability Transcript
July 28th, 2016

What did you think of day one?

"It was good. Guys were flying around so it was great tempo, great speed to the ball. It was limited installation but guys were ready to roll."

The contract situation, how would you describe where it stands right now?

"Honestly, it is really the last thing on my mind, I'm all about football, I'm all about getting myself and this team ready to have a great season. I think that will take care of itself when the time comes but as for now I am just focused on training camp."

You said you wouldn't talk about it when the season comes. Did you mean now or when the regular season started?

"No. My approach is when the season is here it's all about the season, I don't want to be worrying about a contract or anything else. My mind will be on the preparation week to week on the next opponent. If there's something to be done, it's between now and the season."

Do you worry that any of your teammates might be a little distracted by it, worrying about if you're going to be here long term, they came to play with you?

"Only if you guys make it a big deal. No, I think we all have enough on our mind and on our plate right now in regards to making this team and filling a role and just watching this whole thing come together right now. I think everybody is excited about that. When you get to camp, you shouldn't be worried about a contract situation. You should be worried about football and how do I get the best out of myself and my team."

Should 2011 be the guide or because it's five years later does that make it a different situation?

"No, I was just trying to explain my mindset as it comes to the mindset. Once the season comes around it's not something I want to be negotiating or worrying about. I'll be focused on whoever we're playing that week so if there's a deal to be done, it will be between now and the season."

2011 seemed to work out okay for you?

"Yeah, my mindset is the same whether I've got a one year deal or a five year deal. In my mind, it's a game to game basis. Each and every week I've got to prove it, I've got to prove that I give us the best chance to win, I've got to prove that I'm a leader on the team that's going to get the best out of everyone around me and myself. That's always my mindset regardless of what my contract says."

Do you feel like this should be easier? Do you feel like based off your years of service and your relationship with the organization that this should be an easier process to just go ahead and get done?

"I would hope so but I also know that sometimes these take time and I know there's other areas to focus at times as you're going through the offseason in March with other free agents and with the draft and then as you get into April, May, June and OTA's and you're still assembling the squad but if there's a time to do it, now would certainly be the time."

Mickey (Loomis) said that his phone can ring anytime, is there a point where you talk to your agent and say let's speed this (process) up, let's get this going, or do you wait for them to call you?

"Just to clarify, nothing is adversarial. I have a great relationship with Mickey Loomis and have for my entire time here. This is just that part of the business let's call it where, obviously, conversations happen in regards to the contract it's between my agent Tom Condon and Mickey Loomis and, obviously, I am kept abreast as to the way those conversations are going. I think there's a process to this and it isn't an exact science and it isn't an exact process. We'll see how this shakes out over the next month and a half."

How important has Tom House been to your career and do you think guys like him can help with longevity?

"I cannot even begin to tell you how important he's been to me and my career. Not only preparing myself physically but mentally, and emotionally and psychologically to play each year and to play this long. Do I think he has helped with my longevity and will continue to help with my longevity? Yes, without question. I think that's part of the training that we do together, is making sure that I can sustain at the level that I want to be at, playing at a high level for really as long as I want to do it. We are trying to beat the aging process."

What is your vision for Colby Fleener? Is it similar to Jimmy Graham as far as the quarterback tight end relationship?

"I will be honest, I am still getting to know him as far a player and his skill set. I know what I have seen on film. He was somewhat limited through camp, still coming off an injury from the previous season where I knew he was not 100 percent and he was trying to take it easy and kind of let it run its course so that he could be 100 percent healthy by the time camp rolls around. I think he's feeling very good right now so I'm excited to see what we are able to put together over the next few weeks as we get a lot of time and a lot of reps together but listen his role, as a tight end in this offense, you get a lot of opportunities, you get a lot of favorable match ups, and you can be a guy that catches a lot of balls and I certainly see him in that role."

I think I know the answer to this but, at age 40 do you still expect to still be playing this game at the level you are playing right now?

Absolutely, without question. It goes back to the Tom House question. I don't see any reason why I can't play at the highest level for the next five years minimum. It really comes down to how long do I want to play."

That really hasn't been the case with a lot of guys. Do you really feel like this is something you have set your sites on, almost groundbreaking in that area?

"I'm not naive. I'm not looking five years from now. I'm really looking at each and every year understanding that I've got to prove that I'm the best guy to lead this team. It doesn't get any easier but, I feel with my training regimen and with the people that I have around me and the things that we're doing to put myself in the best position to succeed on the field and to play at a high level. I don't see why there's any reason I can't do this beyond five years from now."

Because some of these training regimens are so new and innovative with regards to recovery technology, do you think it's hard for teams to wrap their brains around the idea of someone like yourself playing for that long?

"Yes, I think there is an old school way of thinking, that is, 'Hey, here's the age where all running backs begin to tail off. Not many quarterbacks are able to sustain that level beyond a certain point.' That's kind of the old school, maybe traditional, way of thinking based upon examples of that to back it up. I feel like science, research, technology, and also just understanding how to train better, more efficiently, or smarter (helps). I think there are things that we're beginning to see, realize, and implement that can push the envelope on what might have been the old school way of thinking."

You've always been motivated by people saying that you can't do something. To play longer than most people think you can play at this level, is that a motivation?

"Yes. I want to step away from this game when I'm ready to step away from this game, not because someone tells me I cannot play or because my level of play has fallen off. I have a goal in mind; I am going to keep that to myself. I am not naïve; I understand I have to prove that every year."

Does West Virginia's experience bring you back to '06 at all or cause any philosophical reflections about Katrina?

"It is eerily similar, the stories. Some of the families came out of their homes to come see what we were doing with the park and share a story about how their kids love this park or play at this park every day. There was an extremely sad story about a family who their daughter's still missing. There were the three brothers that were there. You could tell that it was still very emotional and fresh for them. This was only within the last month. I can only imagine what that family is going through. They talked about how much their sister loved playing at that park and played there every day. They were so thankful we were there to help fix it up again. There are some other stories of kids and moms and that kind of thing that came by to reiterate that point. Even as we were leaving, I could not help but look back at the playground that we had transformed, you know with the swingsets and the slides and that kind of thing. There was a kid, just swinging on the swing with a big old smile on his face. I thought, 'That is what it is all about.'"

It's your second year playing with Max Unger. How much easier has he made your job?

"Max is great. He's great because there's such a presence with him as he sets the huddle. When I step in the huddle, I know those guys are ready to listen to me because Max has made it that way. Max has created this sense of urgency where it's, 'Hey! Huddle up!' It's an assertiveness that gets everybody ready to roll. It makes my job much easier. It allows us to have great tempo getting in and out of the huddle. The communication is at an all-time high. We're at the ball, we're ready to roll, and I feel like we're getting the jump on people. That's what I love, and that's what Max brings to the table, not only his productivity as a player, but also what he brings in regards to his presence and leadership abilities."

What was it like making that commercial with him?

"It was fun. It is fun when you are able to do that kind of thing, whether it is with my family or teammates. I enjoy doing that stuff."

How much do you look forward to the start of another training camp?

"This is the fun part. June and July, once you break OTAs, the great part is time with the family. Once the season starts, you're (working) every day. That time with the family becomes limited. The training aspect of it becomes a bit monotonous. You're doing the same thing every day to prepare yourself for this. All you're doing is wanting to get here with the guys and actually start playing football, putting the pads on and watching the team come together. The goal becomes very close, and it's attainable. You've got your sights set on that scrimmage or that first preseason game or whatever it might be. It gets more exciting when training camp rolls around. This is my 16th one, so I don't take it for granted."

How much credit does Vonn Bell get for intercepting you on day one?

"Yeah. Good for him. That won't happen again. I hung with my eyes outside a bit too long, and he got a good jump on it. So, good for him. Maybe it's a little confidence builder. I don't plan on that happening again for a while."

James Laurinaitis says the pump fakes are throwing him off a little bit. Does that bother you at all?

"No, I have a bag of tricks for those guys. They try to mess with me, so I'm going to give it right back to them. That's part of the fun of training camp too."

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