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Saints and Raiders Postgame Quotes


October 12, 2008


Opening Statement…

"Without having looked at the film, I thought we eliminated some of things starting with the penalties and turnovers. We are 7-0 going into this game when we don't turn the ball over, now 8-0. It doesn't have to be too complicated. I thought we played with great energy. I thought we looked liked the team that had the bye, not them. I thought we looked like the team that was healthy, not them. In both cases, I was proud of the energy we had after the short week. We had a lot of guys stepping up and playing and filling in. I though on both sides of the ball and the kicking game we outplayed them. I thought we deserved the win."

Q: Coach, Drew Brees has had some great games, but do you think this could be considered his best game?

A: It was clean. He had great command of the huddle. They do a lot of things on defense, they get into a third and four defense, they get into a goal line defense a little earlier than we are used to so we had a bunch of different looks thrown at us so I think we have some real good personnel. We have a lot of respect for their corners and the talent on that team (Raiders). I thought Drew (Brees) handled it and managed the game very well. Any time you win like that and you play like he did from an efficiency standpoint, it is outstanding and it is a big part of us winning. So, we'll have a chance to look at it and I don't like comparing it to other games but certainly he played outstanding. It was a big win for us."

Q: Last week you addressed the false starts, turnovers and repeat offenders, there were no false starts tonight, what did you do?

A: It starts with coaching. Last night we spent a lot of time looking at penalties and turnovers and some of the things that have hurt us. We all take that pretty seriously, not just the players, the coaching staff and myself too. We have to call more attention to it and understand the importance of it. I credit the players who were able to handle it. We had a couple of penalties early on that brought us out of field goal positions, out of scoring position, but other than that I thought we played very disciplined."

Q: What does it say about Drew Brees and this offense that he found every receiver an every back that touched the field?

A: He has real good vision. I've said these before; I think all those guys understand the importance of their specifics within the route. He's find the holes in the coverage and the weaknesses in the coverage and there is not many times when he doesn't. I think those guys appreciate that and understand. You saw Reggie Bush catch a check down and score a touchdown today and he is about third or fourth in the read. We played well up front and on both sides of the ball we handled the trenches. I was encouraged with that. It was a good win for us to close out this home stand with, and we are going to be away for a while. The good news is when we come back it is a night game on Monday Night Football. In the meantime we will have an opportunity to play a real good team in our division next week in Carolina. We'll have to take that game very seriously. They are much improved, just from looking at them on tape."

Q: Last week you were encouraged by the defensive output and they played very well today, what do you attribute that to?

A: A couple of things. You can see that they are tackling well, they are tackling very well, and there is not a lot of leaked yardage. We are minimizing the big play; we talked about that as an emphasis and as a goal. We got our hands on about four passes today; we picked up one interception, which was a great play by Jason David, but we had two or three other opportunities. We have to work on that, but I think you see a pretty good balance. I think you saw today, if you went back and looked at the third down percentage converted, we won in that phase as well. We got them into some third and longs, but when you win the turnovers, you win the third downs, you win the penalties, you win the time of the possession, you with the rushing; when you win all those areas you are generally winning the game. We just have to keep playing a complimentary game with each other. I have been real encouraged with how we are playing. Like I said, looking at that game you would have thought we were the team coming off the bye week and we were the team without the injured players. So, we had some defensive tackles in that I can't even pronounce the names of the players yet. I am encouraged with that."

Q: When Taylor Mehlaff kicked the ball out of bounds, you pulled him aside and had a conversation with him. What was said?

A: That is one of his strengths. There are going to be some jitters your first game out. He settled down and played well for us. I was encouraged with that. Like every one of us, your first time out doing something, I know for me as a coach and a lot of you guys in your profession, whatever it is, coming in is not easy and I thought he settled down some and I was encouraged with that. That is the strength of his really when you study his ability. We just have to slow him down a little bit and keep working on him. He doesn't need to hit a driver every time, just needs to back off a little bit. He has a strong leg."


October 12, 2008

Postgame Quotes


58 LB Scott Shanle

On the significance of today's win

"It has been a long time since we had a win like that where we played well in all three phases. That's key with the stretch of the season that we are hitting. We are at a critical stretch of our season. We are at .500 right now. We want to go 2-0 in these next two games and hit the bye week right."

On Jamarcus Russell

"I thought he has a cannon of an arm. He'll get better with experience. They have good players. A lot of it is getting experience at this level."

71 DT Kendrick Clancy

On the defensive pressure today

"It was all about being disciplined and following the game plan. It was a pretty solid game plan followed by everyone and we came out on top. "

5 K Taylor Mehlhaff

On his performance

"It was not the way I wanted to start my career and the game. I was doing great in warm-ups. I peaked up mentally to watch it too soon. That's what happens. You end up pulling it. I pulled it right over the upright. Obviously, I was disappointed with that. In college, my coach use to say it's not what happens during the game, but it's how you respond. I was just happy the way I came back and kicked the rest of the game. I hit all my field goals really strong. I put the ball up there on some kickoffs. We had some tackles inside the 20. I was happy by the way I came back."

On if he was nervous today

"Obviously, there were some nerves out there. I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that I wasn't nervous. It's all about controlling it. I think of myself as a mentally tough kid. I have a lot of confidence in me. Some people would shy away from the challenge of going back out there when they miss a field goal. I wanted another chance. I wanted to go out there and redeem myself to prove to these guys that I can do it for them and they can count on me. I am happy the way that I came back."

42 CB Jason David

On his interception

"The defense has been doing a great job these last couple of weeks. It is always good for the whole team when you can come up with a turnover. We are just out there trying to do our job and play good football. "

25 RB Reggie Bush

On Drew Brees connecting to nine different receivers

"We stuck to the script and executed our plays. We didn't turn the ball over. We protected him in the pocket. Our main goal today was to protect the ball."

On his touchdown reception

"It was a normal passing play that we run a lot. I checked down over the ball and fortunately for me Drew (Brees) likes to check the ball down. I was just at the right place at the right time and I was able to make a play out of it."

9 QB Drew Brees

On the Reggie Bush touchdown reception

"It was a play action fake and Reggie was looking up over the ball. I'm looking down the field and if there is nothing down then I check it down to him. He did the rest. It was a great play on his part. That's the kind of stuff that happens when you are flowing as an offense. You are taking those underneath completions and turning them into big plays."

On if he knew about the 16 straight completions

"I didn't know that. Somebody mentioned something around the second quarter. I felt that there hadn't been an incompletion yet, but I didn't know how many there were. I was trying to complete them all."

51 LB Jonathan Vilma

On the run defense the past couple of weeks

"We have taken pride in wanting to stop the run and wanting to be a good defense. I think we are paying more attention to detail. We are picking up our assignments. It has been a collective effort against the run. All 11 guys are taking notice and paying attention in getting the job done."

16 WR Lance Moore

On Drew Brees's performance

"I think he is the best quarterback in the league, but he is playing like the best quarterback in the league right now. It's an honor and a pleasure being out there and catching balls from him."

On the amount of playmakers on the team

"We are extremely deep. We have playmakers all over the place. Even when guys are hurt, we have guys who are capable. We are definitely going to be a force to wrecken with out there when those guys come back."

SAINTS v. Oakland Raiders

Visiting Team Locker Room Quotes:

20 – DARREN McFADDEN (running back):

"My toe (injury) wasn't the issue out there today. We just got beat. And we got beat bad. Lots of people tell me the toe will hurt more on this kind of turf surface over the grass, but it doesn't really make that much difference to me. We just got beat out there today."

"I just hope we can re-group and get back to Raider football. I know I'm just a rookie but we have to come in and win games."

23 – DEANGELO HALL (Corner Back):

"You've got to hand it to the Saints. They kept us off balance all day. Brees was fantastic. Each time we thought we got a good pass rush on him he would just deliver the ball on the money. It's always difficult whoever you are playing, when they get off to that kind of start its hard to stop. The whole time out there; it didn't matter whether they did the run or the pass, they just did what they wanted to do."

"The coaching change had nothing to do with what went on out there today. We have to stop making excuses. It didn't have anything to do with anything. They (saints) just came out and played better than we did."

2 – JaMARCUS RUSSELL (QB): "I thought early in the game we did move the ball; but we just didn't take advantage of our opportunities. We did have the lead early. We just have to go out there and make plays. Early on, if we have scored a touchdown instead of a field goal it would have been different. But we just have to learn how to execute when we get close to the end zone."

"We just have to better ourselves. Those guys (defense) get paid to do what they do, and I just have to make plays and move the ball."

"We have a good team; we just have to learn how to execute. I can't be focused on what Brees is doing. I'm focused on my team mates and what I can do to help them."

QUESTION – how many ticket requests did you have for the game?

A: "About 40 in all. It was disappointing whether your family is there or not. A loss like that is still a loss. I'm pretty sure everybody out there – our team, our fans – wanted us to win."

"It was fun to come back here (to the 'Dome) but that (LSU) was in the past. I am just looking to the future now. This team is moving forward and I am just trying to do what I can to get us there."

New Orleans Saints vs. Oakland Raiders

October 12, 2008

Raiders Head Coach Tom Cable

Opening remarks: "It's not the start that we were hoping for. Only one guy did not finish the game. That was Ashley Lelie. Everybody else seems to be fine. We still have work to do."

On his optimism at the beginning of the second half: "I thought it was really critical. We talked about it at halftime. We kind of leaned on the fact that we were going to get it first. We were down by seven at that point. It was an opportunity to go do something with it right away. Unfortunately, we didn't."

On the loss today: "I really think it was us (not playing to our potential). Give credit to them (the Saints). They played very, very well. It's a well coached team. Really for us, it was a lot of balls where they needed to be. We didn't catch everything. We didn't target everything as well as we wanted to. There was some improvement there. I know that sounds crazy. It certainly was an improvement for the number of times that we threw the football. We'll keep evaluating that and still try to come up with the right balance."

On the balance and productivity of the Saints offense: "We have to use them as a model. I don't know what he finished with, but I know that he was hot. That's where we want to get to. There is no question."

On not doing what it takes to win: "We came here to win a football game. I thought that we didn't do the things that it takes to win. That is staying in drives and putting the ball into the end zone in the red zone and not giving up big plays. We have work to do. We'll get there. We will get there this year."

"It was really pretty good. I really kind of kicked myself there. We're in field goal range, in terms of Janikowski's range, right before the half. You could argue with yourself if we might have punted there and make them (Saints) have a longer field with about a minute and 36 seconds left to go. You believe in the guy so you give him a shot. The length wasn't the issue at all. It was just a little bit left. I think that was the right decision, but you could argue that one."

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