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Quotes from Sean Payton's postgame press conference - Week 5 vs Washington Redskins

Head coach Sean Payton spoke to the media following the Saints Week 5 game against the Washington Redskins

New Orleans Saints vs Washington Redskins - Saints Head Coach Sean Payton

Opening Statement:
"Regarding the game, obviously, it is always a special night when you can win in this league. Especially against a good team. And then to accomplish a lot of the team goals going into this game that were necessary to win. And obviously with us being able to win in a night where a significant record was broken, that makes it that much more special."

On if Drew Brees can still leave him in awe:
"Yes, absolutely. There were some throws we threw today that were script plays. Your progression might be a different set of receivers. He hit a few shots today in the seams that were significant. I can't recall many balls touched on the ground. It has been a while since we haven't punted in a game. (Thomas) Morstead had his old kicking coach come to his first game tonight to see him play and got to see him hold. It was one of those nights where guys played well up front. The protection was good and that was a team that played really good defense. We've seen their three prior games and (they are) a team that was playing with confidence. Obviously, we did some things that got on them early. I thought defensively we did a great job. I thought our effort to the ball was going to be important. To answer your question though, there is always those games where there is a throw made and there was great vision and anticipation and tonight it was evident."

On Tre'Quan Smith touchdown being the designed option:
"To be honest with you, on a look throw it wouldn't be first in the progression. (Drew Brees) felt the coverage come off and he made the right decision. It wasn't where we saw the ball going in its design on a Tuesday night at midnight and that was a credit to him."

On the moment celebrating with Drew Brees:
"It was fantastic and I'm sure it will become more special. It is always difficult when that moment happens in a game. You want to make sure it doesn't impact your team's emotions relative to winning the game. And the comment I made prior to the game when talking to the team was like, 'Hey, our job is to win this game along with that milestone that will be accomplished and it makes it more special.' I think that's true and I think the players, the coaches, every one of us felt like we needed to be on point. We get a team that plays well together because they don't want to disappoint each other is always a good trait to have. In the last two weeks, I've sensed that and certainly tonight relative to all that was at stake."

On Michael Thomas' emotional energy for the team:
"He is an emotional player. He's tough and is extremely dedicated and works his tail off. There isn't a more passionate player. It is all football, 24/7, and it rubs off. He is also an extremely powerful player relative to getting into the routes and getting yards after the catch. He made some big plays for us tonight."

On partnership and growth with Drew Brees:
"I was asked that earlier in the week. I don't think any one of us career-wise thought ten years forward. We set goals. Early on in 2006, we both got here at similar times and began trying to rebuild and put a team together; the short-term goals were winning and then winning in our division. There wasn't any moment where it was like, 'This is going to unfold.' Certainly, the Super Bowl was a goal, but all of these other things are a byproduct of health, stability, and successful teams, a lot of different individual people. To answer your question, it is in steps and stages. I think the thing that is inspiring the most is knowing what is most important to him and that common goal that we have relative to winning another championship. All the actual hardware, the different bats, those all get dust but it's about these memories right now with someone like that, as special as that is tonight, and all that he's accomplished. That's what you miss when it is done. But honestly, I think it was winning in the beginning and competing and being relevant. The other things take care of themselves."
