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Transcript - Tampa Bay Buccaneers Postgame Quotes | Saints-Bucs 2020 Week 1

Get postgame reactions from Tampa Bay Buccaneers head coach Bruce Arians and quarterback Tom Brady


(Opening Remarks)
"Very disappointing. I would never have thought with the we practiced for the last two weeks – would have never thought I'd see us have that many penalties, turnovers and just basic mental errors that really cost this one when we got back in the game with the coverage. It's round one – we've lost round one and we'll get ready for round two."

(On the miscues on special teams in Sunday's game)
"I didn't see any of that coming. We practiced all that stuff. We had poor protection up the middle on the long field goal [and they] had good timing and [Ryan Succop] hit it good, we just got beat inside. Then, you never go backwards for a football. You learn that in high school. Mike Edwards decided to go backwards for a ball. It's another thing you practice and you never anticipate guys doing it in the heat of the battle."

(On what took place on QB Tom Brady's two interceptions)
"One was a miscommunication between he and Mike [Evans]. He thought Mike was going down the middle – it was a different coverage – Mike read it right. He should have been across his face, but Tom overthrew it. The other one was a screen pass with an outlet called. He threw the outlet and it was a pick-six. Bad decision."

(On Brady's overall performance in the game)
"He came out lighting it up – we go right down the field and score a touchdown. I wouldn't say he was out of sync at all until we started screwing it up. We didn't run the ball as well as I thought we would on the edges. We had some success [and] we had some good drives and we had some really poor drives. But the turnovers and the penalties were the key."

(On if the issues running the ball were on RB Ronald Jones II or the offensive line)
"I thought RoJo– I'll go back and watch the tape – he looked like he ran it really well."

(On the team's communication on the field)
"There was no noise. It was like a regular practice with no noise. We practice with a heck of a lot more noise than that. I was kind of disappointed – I don't think it was fair to the Saints to have it that low because you can have an easy conversation across the field to somebody. It's not a very good deal [and] it should be fixed."

(On the offensive line's performance)
"[Brady] held the ball some. We'll go back and watch the film, but once you get in those known passing situations, it's tough on [the offensive line]. But they have to do their job, so I'll go back and look at the film."

(On if the Buccaneers beat themselves Sunday)
"There's no doubt. I said it to start with – it's my job to make that stop. I thought we had it fixed. Obviously, I didn't do a very good job of getting it fixed."

(On the defense needing to force more takeaways in order to win the game)
"Yeah – we had a couple go right through our hands. [Saints QB Drew Brees] threw it to us two or three times. We had a penalty on one when we should have had an interception and another one goes right through Jamel [Dean's] hands. We just have to catch it when they throw them to us."

(On losing Sunday after the build up to the regular season)
"We kind of cancel all that noise out. We knew we had a tough opponent [and] we were going to have to play really, really well and we didn't play very well. That's the most disappointing thing – the way we played, the mental errors and the penalties. We practice fourth-and-short [and] never jump offside 100 times. Actually, guys were telling each other, 'Don't jump offsides' and we jump offsides. That's unexplainable to me. We've got a lot of things to correct."

(On ILB Devin White and ILB Lavonte David's performances)
"Oh yeah. I thought the defense played really well the whole second half. [They] got a bunch of three-and-outs and gave our offense a chance. Those two guys especially, I thought, played really, really well from what I could watch."

(On WR Mike Evans only catching one pass and if that was due to his hamstring injury)
"To me he had 100 [receiving] yards. You get that many pass interference calls – those are yards. They're not catches [and] they don't go in the stats, but he had a 100-yard game easily with just pass interference penalties. He's going to catch those balls if you they don't hang all over him. I don't think Mike was bothered that much. We tried watching him as much as we could."

(On if he needs to figure out a way to get Evans more involved offensively)
"Like I said, he had 100 yards. I don't know how many targets, but when you get that many balls down the field thrown to you and you're getting [pass interference calls], I don't know what else we can do to get you the ball. No, I don't think so."

(On what stood out to him in changes to how the game is played in an empty stadium)
"Obviously it was the first game for the officials with no preseason too. I would have liked to have had [the recorded crowd noise] really loud. We're OK with noise, so there's just more energy in the building. There was absolutely no energy in the building with the noise the way it was. Other than that, it's just like practice."

(On if he would like the crowd noise to be louder at Raymond James Stadium next week)
"I would hope so. My mom probably wants it louder too, so she doesn't hear me cussing all the time."

(On WR Scotty Miller's performance)
"He's done it every day in practice. He's getting better and better, Tom trusts him, he utilizes his speed really well and that's what I expect of him every week now."

(On the positives from the defense's performance on Sunday)
"I thought our second-half defense was outstanding other than the one busted coverage when we let [Saints TE Jared] Cook catch the ball down the sideline. Other than that, I thought it was really, really [good] in the second half. They gave us a chance to win."

(On if he still feels the Buccaneers can win the division)
"Hell yeah. The Saints didn't do some of the things we did to ourselves, so we have to play better. There's 16 games – we can win this division without a doubt."

(On if it was too much to expect Tampa Bay's offense to click this early in the season)
"Yes and no. I thought we came out, went right down the field, made some good plays and scored. Then we hit some lows when we weren't on the same page. Don't know why, but we'll work on it. We try not to listen to the hype and just go to work every day. We'll go back to work Tuesday and get better before Carolina."

(On Brady's grasp of the offense at this point in the season)
"He's got a total grasp of it. He made a bunch of checks today – some were good, some weren't, but he was on top of it."

Game action photos from the New Orleans Saints playing host to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in Week 1 of the 2020 NFL season.


(On how the day went and if that was expected with no preseason games)
"Well, I certainly think poor execution and that's what it comes down to. It's a game of execution. Obviously, they made more plays than we did and I just made some bad, terrible turnovers and it's hard to win turning the ball over like that. I obviously have to do a lot better job."

(On throwing two interceptions)
"Yeah, they were bad throws. When it comes down to it they were just bad throws – can't do it."

(On where the biggest adversity was trying to get everybody on the same page for the first game)
"I mean I think any time you turn the ball over like we did – we had opportunities to make plays and just came up short, so there's no excuses and we're the only ones that can do something about it. The Saints kind of play how they always play. They did a good job on offense. We hung our defense out to dry on some short fields; not moving the ball, not doing very well on third down at certain times. The turnovers really hurt us and we have to clean that up for next week – got to do a lot better job."

(On how he was feeling after the loss)
"I've lost plenty of games in my career, so I know I don't like it, but it happens. We just have to do a better job."

(On what he says to his teammates afterwards to prevent one loss from snowballing into two or three)
"Well, we've got to learn from it and we have to do a much better job next week. We play good teams and we can't make mistakes, and obviously I made too many mistakes today. That's what I have to do. I'm going to focus on what I have to do and I have to do a lot better job."

(On the chemistry he developed with WR Mike Evans during training camp and what he has to do to get him more involved)
"Yeah, I mean he had two huge plays. I know they don't count in the stat book, but I don't know how many yards or penalties that is – 80, 90 yards. That's as good as a catch."

(On the stadium noise feeling like a practice)
"Yeah, it felt like a scrimmage out there, but obviously it counts. I think we're all disappointed it didn't go our way, but the only people that can do something about it are the guys in the room. We have to look each other in the eye and all work harder, put more urgency on the things we have to do and get back to work and do a better job."

(On the offensive performance)
"We didn't do anything that great on offense today. We made a few plays, but in the end, I think we're all going to wish we had a lot of plays back – certainly I do."

(On the performances of wide receivers Chris Godwin and Scotty Miller)
"They made some great plays. The receivers played their butts off. The tight ends played really hard. The backs ran hard. We're going to have to get back to work and tighten a lot of things up because obviously today wasn't good enough. I'm just thinking about what I've got to do, and I've got to do a better job than I did today."

(On if there was any indication in practice that this type of offensive performance could happen)
"It's sports, so you can't predict what's going to happen. You've got to go out and do it. When you don't play your best and you play good teams, you obviously get beat. We played far from our best. [We had] three turnovers, they didn't have any. We had penalties, they didn't have many. We didn't have great field position, they had great field position. All of those things add up and we've got to do a much better job in every area."

(On the miscues offensively)
"We've just got to get back to work and try to learn from the mistakes. There are no excuses. We wanted to play better, we just didn't get it done."

(On if the team is behind where he had hoped they would be by the first game)
"It's Week 1 of the NFL season – a lot of things are going to be corrected. Every team is going to wish they did things better. We're going to feel that way as we move through the season. It's going to be about our mental toughness, our urgency [and] how hard we work to get things done. Not turning the ball over is a good place to start."

(On if there is some benefit for a talented team to be humbled early in the season)
"It doesn't matter how much talent you have if you throw interceptions returned for touchdowns, so I've got to correct that."

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