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Transcript - Sean Payton Conference Call 10/2/20 | Week 4 vs. Lions

New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton talks about the Saints roster depth and the game plan for Week 4 against the Detroit Lions at Ford Field on Sunday, October 4, 2020.

New Orleans Saints Head Coach Sean Payton
Video Call with New Orleans Media
Friday, October 2, 2020

How do you think the week of preparation with after Sunday's loss?
"I think good. It was really our first normal in-season game week, if you will. Relative to our schedule, this will be our first game in the early slot, 12 noon our time. But overall, I was pleased."

How impressive is it to see what Adrian Peterson is still able to do at the age of 35 for the Lions?
"It's very impressive. I mean, we talk all the time about the quarterbacks when we're referencing Drew (Brees) or we're referencing Tom Brady. I think he's in that same discussion relative to how he trains, takes care of his body. Especially at that position, it's extremely rare. All three of those players we just referenced, they're first ballot Hall of Famers someday, but that it's very impressive." 

It's hard to be a coach this year, but I imagine it would probably be a little harder to be a first-year position coach with Mike Hodges. How have you thought that he's adjusted to the new role, especially with everything that you have had to deal with this year?
"I think he's doing well. Michael Wilhoite works with him and's someone that obviously studies the game and I felt very comfortable putting him in that position. But he is doing well."

How confident do you feel in your cornerback depth if you need to dip into it at all this weekend?
"Yeah, we always have preparations for an injured player, but I think the guys that we've had, I feel like we're deeper than we've been most years. We're doing good there."

You brought back Ken Crawley to the practice squad this week, it's been a little while since he's been here. Bringing him back, your thoughts on him?
"It's good to see him. Look, we won a lot of games back in, what was it '17? I think it was '17 or '18, '17 maybe where he was starting. He's smart, he can run well and it's good to have him back on the roster."

Is it pretty easy for guys like that to just come in and sort of pick up where they left off and know that system and everything?
"No, here's some carryover from a terminology standpoint, but no. Look, he's been playing, he's in good shape. And there are a few things that are new. Like anything else, it's getting used to the specifics and the details."

With a couple games under his belt now, has (Adam) Trautman kind of made some strides now that this is like, basically what would be his what last preseason game essentially?
"Yeah, look, he had a good training camp right away. He's smart. He's someone that's tough and prepares well, I know the quarterback has a lot of confidence in him. So, he's played well."

(Darren) Rizzi was mentioning last week about how some teams gameplan for Justin Hardee on special teams as a gunner. Just what's the impact he has even when maybe he's not the guy making the play?
"Well, look, anytime you have someone with his speed and his physicality. He gets doubled on the on the punt return game by their team. He just draws attention because he's such an impactful player. That's a credit to him. And so that frees up other guys with single blocks, or with better leverage."

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