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Transcript: Saints Players Postgame Quotes | Saints-Seahawks 2019 Week 3

Thomas Morstead, Demario Davis, David Onyemata, and Vonn Bell spoke to the media following a Week 3 win vs Seattle Seahawks


(On the Saints game plan and his part in it…)
"It was field position. Very rarely for me do I get the chance to play a lot and we are winning. Selfishly, it feels really nice to have a big game. Our guys covered their tails off. (Tyler) Lockett is a very, very good returner. He's explosive. As a unit, it felt really nice to have them all over the field all game."

(On if he has ever had a game with two 50-yard net punts downed inside the five-yard line, one of them traveling 60-plus yards…)
"No, I don't think so. I've punted six times probably less than 10 times in my career. No one's happy when I'm going on the field, so it feels really good when coach says this is the way we've got to win the game, this is where we have to win the game, and it unfolds like that, it just confirms the validity of the people we have leading this team. I think it just builds confidence each week when go in with, 'What's the plan this week?' It's good when everybody's drinking the Kool-Aid and being on the same page."

(On the play of Deonte Harris…)
"He's a special talent. He does not lack confidence. He muffed a punt today, and it was a big play for them. The big thing, when something like that happens, is to tell him specifically, 'Don't lose your stinger. Keep being who you've been.' When he runs at 80 percent, he's the fastest guy on the field. Or the quickest, anyway. I just have to keep encouraging him, because I think what's rare about him is that he has a real confidence, a special confidence about his ability, no only to return but to field punts and to be in and out quick. I always try to encourage him, give him one cue to think about, depending on the situation in the game. Obviously, being able to start the game be on defense, get them to punt, and go score immediately, he's a huge star for the game."


(On stepping in for Drew Brees to handle the pregame "Who dat?" chant…)
"Drew texted Craig (Robertson) and myself late last night and just wished us well for the game. It was just a random thing, but I asked him, 'Do you want me to do a speech for you?' He said, 'Yeah. Get 'em hyped.' So he gave me the word. He had passed the torch in that moment. I know how much the speeches mean to us when Drew gives them, so at that point it was on my shoulders and I knew I needed to deliver. So I just kind of prayed, 'Lord, give me the words.' And I don't even know what I said in the moment. But I hope it went well. Man, I'm just happy that we got this victory. Everything went well."

(On if this win is especially satisfying…)
"Man, it was a sweet victory because it was a tough team in a hostile environment. To be able to come in and play well against a team like this, a team that's well-coached, with great players, that thrives on physical football play? I mean, that mantra of the team is they want to grind you down, they want to run the ball, they want to be physical, so we knew it was going to be a battle. We prepared our minds for a battle, like a slugfest, because they want to be up in the fourth quarter and like wear you down. So we took that personally. We took that challenge personally. And man, to be able to come in and emerge victorious in an environment like that, against a team like that, I mean, we've got so much respect for them, what they've been able to do in this league just in general. To be able to emerge victorious, man, it's a sweet feeling."


(On if he was certain the fumble he returned 33 yards for a touchdown was officially a fumble…)
"I seen it. It was a punchout that we work on. He (CB Eli Apple) wanted to get on the takeaway film that we have at the end of the week, so he made it."

(On recalling how officiating calls have not favored New Orleans, was he confident his touchdown would hold up…)
"I knew it in my heart. Touchdown."

(On if he could recall his last touchdown…)
"Yeah, I remember my last touchdown. It was against Atlanta. It was a pick-six."

(On if the defense wanted to keep Russell Wilson in the pocket…)
"We knew he could win it with his feet, just like Deshaun Watson. He can scramble out, flush out to the right, go out there and look downfield and make special plays. We put it on our D and tried to take it away. That was just the game plan. That's what we preached on how we would win the game."


(On the impact of Deonte Harris's early punt return for a touchdown…)
"That was what, the second special-teams play of the game? Yeah, he took that back. It's not like he hasn't done that before. We've seen that he's always capable of doing that on a regular basis, and see him just go, it got us firing on every cylinder. That's what it was."

(On limiting Seattle's running game…)
"I haven't seen the numbers yet, but I'd say we did a decent job of that. 

(On if this win feels special…)
"Definitely. Everyone was playing at a high level."

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