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Transcript: Quarterback Drew Brees media availability - November 13, 2019

Saints quarterback Drew Brees speaks to the media prior to the week 11 matchup against Tampa Bay.

New Orleans Saints Quarterback Drew Brees
Post-Practice Media Availability
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Is it a tough balance to believe that was a one off game, but not excusing it as no big deal?
"Yeah, I mean, listen, we were extremely disappointed in our performance. I think we know we're a lot better than that and understand that, especially at this point in the season, this is a time when we really want to start separating ourselves from the pack, in a positive way and continuing to position ourselves to achieve the goals that we have set for this team and we understand that every game you got to show up and you have to play your best and what comes with that is great attention to detail, great execution, great focus and intensity. And unfortunately our execution just was not up to standard across the board. That needs to get cleaned up and it will get cleaned up and as a result, we play a lot better."

You've got the division for the whole rest of the month basically. How much do you like that challenge?
"Yeah, these are defining games obviously. Because not only do you put yourself in a position to win one, but you put someone in your division in that position to lose one. Right? That is why we always say, in a lot of cases these are worth two (games). These are important games."

Knowing where your position is and controlling your own destiny, does that make it easier?
"Yes, we control our destiny."

What do you make of their secondary, since they rank last in the league in pass defense?
"Here's the thing there. They're young, but they're talented. Look at the investment that they've made in their secondary over the last three years with draft picks. And if you just look at them, it's their second, third round picks, first round picks with (Vernon) Hargraves, a couple years ago, have all been invested into secondary players, so obviously they put a lot of time and attention there. They're (the) number one defense versus the run. Here's the thing, something's got to get right? You turn on this film and it's man, they're stuffing run. The team kind of feels like, all we can do is pass against these guys because we're not going to be able to run the football. Yeah, listen, I don't look at statistics and say, I'm saying just in general, I don't look at statistics and then judge a defense or anyone based just on the statistics. I'm going to turn on the tape, I'm going to trust what I see and then I'm going to go out to execute according to that."

The team has done a good job in recent years of I guess not letting one loss turn into two. Is it something X's and O's wise or is it just something that the makeup in his team that kind of prevents that?
"Well, there's that certainly, you need to have guys that take it upon themselves to understand that when you do have a bad day, right, that you find a way to turn that into something positive. You find a way to create even more of a sense of urgency. It allows you to come back and play much better the next time out. That's our mindset."

Why do you think a wide receiver has never really been a MVP candidate since maybe Jerry Rice
"I don't know, but I think Mike Thomas should be one. Well, has anybody done what he's doing in history? I think fastest to 400 receptions, all that stuff, right? When you're the first to do something, I think that should grab people's attention."

How difficult is it possibly not having Andrus Peat playing Sunday?
"Of course it's difficult because he's been a starter for what, five years now and been, one of the main components there with the (offensive) front, but I mean as is our league and every season, you're going to have guys that go down for a period of time, you hope not too long and you have to have guys step up and fill in and do the job and I'm confident with the guys we have to do that."

Was it weird watching Teddy Bridgewater run the offense vs. Tampa on film and do you take what he did and incorporate it with your plan?
"Sure, it's just execution of our offense. I of course gather information from that and then gather information from a lot of other places as well."

When you watched that game from the sideline were you able to scout it well?
"Yeah, it's pretty clear in my mind. As to how that game unfolded."

Do you just take explosive plays when they are there or do you force them sometimes?
"You can't force them, but you can dial them up and in a lot of cases we dial up the opportunity to push the ball down the field if it's there and if it's not, then you check it down and we'll come back and call it again."

Your thoughts on not getting a touchdown in the loss to Atlanta at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome last week?
"It's unacceptable. There you go. Unacceptable."

When you watch that tape, do you watch it more analytically or do you have an emotional reaction? Does it aggravate you to watch it or is it just analytical when you watch it?
"Both, but it's mainly analytical. You've got to look at it and find the areas, discover the areas where you can improve and then make sure that you get right on those things so that they don't linger and be ready to move on."

The Buccaneers have won two of the last three matchups in Tampa against the Saints, why is that?
"Look at this division. Throw the records out the door. Okay. No matter who's playing, where they are playing, these games always seem to be very close and can be very hard fought."

Do you need to get Jared Cook more involved?
"Yeah. Listen the more involved he can be, I'd say just typically when I look at him as a matchup for anybody moving forward, man, he's a big target. He can run, he's rangy, he catches the ball well. He's got a lot of routes on the route tree, a lot of things we can do with him. Man, I have to think he should be a matchup problem for everybody. So you complement him with Mike Thomas, Alvin Kamara, Ted Ginn, Tre'Quan Smith and the other guys that we can work into the mix and man he could be highly productive."

How much do you think an extra week will help Alvin Kamara after having played for the first time in three weeks last week as he tries to get healthier?
"I think it will. I think it will. (He's) still on the mend a little bit, but yes. He'll be good."

Did you work with Joe Brady a lot the previous two seasons?
"Yes, he was in our meetings everyday as an offensive assistant. We had a great rapport. He did a great job for us. I felt like he had a great understanding of the X's and O's, obviously of what we were doing, but also I think just his background with a lot of calling the RPOs, the stuff that you see in LSU's offense and that you see a lot of people running in college football now. That is a real prevalent part of what a lot of teams do. You have got to have a smart athletic quarterback that can execute those things and know when to give, know when to keep, know when to find open receivers in those looks. Obviously, Joe Burrow is doing a great job executing that offense."

Is it kind of surprising because it wasn't like he was a position coach or coordinator here?
"I do not know what the situation is up there with play-calling and that kind of thing. Up there, over there, Baton Rouge, but, I guess it's (Steve) Emsminger and Joe Brady seem to be the two guys, right, that are working hand in hand to structure what they're doing on game day and then call it. Listen, I never heard Joe Brady call a play here, but just knowing his understanding of the offense and how to attack defenses and how to incorporate the RPO game into it, you felt like he had a really good handle on how to attack defenses that way."

Do you see a lot of what you guys do in what LSU is doing?
"It's actually pretty funny. (Joe Brady) was texting Beau Lowery, our physical therapist, head of our athletic training department. It was maybe back when they were playing Florida a couple of weeks ago. This is when I was rehabbing my thumb so I was in there with Beau and we're watching the game and at the end of the game they run this play and, I said, 'Hey, text Joe Bay Brady right now and say, hey, great job checking to a certain play versus a certain look. That was a great call.' Of course after the game he gets a text back from Joe Brady saying, 'how do you know what that's called?' So we kind of had this back and forth through, he's like, I'm sitting here next to Drew. He called it."

Was it the touchdown?
"Yeah. It was basically what sealed the game."

Was that the screen on the goal line?
"It wasn't a screen, although I called that from a mile away back when they played Auburn I believe. I think it got stuffed though. It got stuffed. It was on fourth and goal. The timing of the motion wasn't what it should've been."

So that's straight out of the playbook?
"Listen, the minute it started going, I was like, Oh, here we go. I was like, ah, I don't like the alignment and sure enough it got stuffed. At times, I can see what they're doing and call it out."

Is that a strength when he could be here for a short amount of time, learn what went on here and then apply it at a college level?
"Listen, every play caller is going to have their inspiration or bits and pieces of where they've been and what they've been able to gather from those places or certain offenses, and then apply it to what they're going to make is their own. Sean Peyton, we run a version of the West Coast offense. It's a little bit of Bill Walsh. It's a little bit of Jon Gruden. It's a little bit of all the places he's been and the people that he's been around that have that exposure, but at the end of the day, you kind of make it your own, right? How many Seattle Seahawks defensive coordinators have you seen go on to become head coaches places? They're not running the exact same system. They've got little nuances. It's stuff that they've maybe picked up along the way from other places, other people, other coordinators. You're in the family, so to speak. You're in the tribe, but you've got your own little version."

They (LSU) seem to be better on the screen this year. Do you think is kind of a little bit of his influence? They seem to be running the screen play pretty well there?
"I think they're doing everything pretty well, honestly. They've got a really good offense because they've got a very good quarterback who's making great decisions. The RPO game is hard to defend, especially with that running back who looks just like Mark Ingram by the way, 22. Then obviously a wealth of riches at receiver and guys that can make a ton of plays. So they're scoring points. Man, they're running the football or throwing the football, and then obviously they're playing really good defense as well. A lot of athletes on that field, but they're executing. They're doing a lot of things really well and they're tough to defend on offense. Like you said, man, they can run, they can throw, they can screen game, they can do a lot of stuff."

Have you ever played a football game with the flu?
"I can't remember high school maybe. I can only imagine how Terron (Armstead) was feeling on Sunday."

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