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Transcript: New Orleans Saints offensive coordinator Pete Carmichael training camp interview - Monday, Aug. 31

Carmichael spoke with media at Saints Training Camp 2020

New Orleans Saints Offensive Coordinator Pete Carmichael
Training Camp Video Conference Call with New Orleans Media
Monday, August 31, 2020

You guys are a few weeks into training camp and one of the things you know, we've kind of noticed is it seems like Deonte Harris is getting more involved in the offensive side of the ball. Just what about him, aside from the obvious athletic traits, but what about him makes him be a candidate or somebody you guys think can contribute in that area?
"Well, the first thing you think about is you see what he does on special teams. But just when the ball is in his hands, you continuously see a guy that makes plays and so again as we're going through our install, we're trying to find ways to get everybody balls and just kind of maybe put them in the positions that they can show us what's best for them and so we'll continue to find ways to do that."

For example, today Michael Thomas got heated in practice wanting a push off there at the end. I guess what does that say about just how competitive he is all the time?
"I feel like we got a great group of guys. Really the whole training camp has been competitive, guys are competing. And guys want to win the drill. And that's the kind of guys you love working with. That's the kind of guys you love having on your team and, and those are the guys who are the winners."

Cesar Ruiz, of course he hasn't been at practice for the last couple days. But what was your takeaway of him at center and at guard before he got hurt?
"We've talked about this in the past, he's a quick study. So, having the opportunity to work at those spots and show us what he can do. Obviously we're going to just keep progressing right now and see where we're at, as we get into next week. But, again, he was progressing (pretty well) at both spots. He's a quick study, like I said, and so that's been beneficial for him."

We talked to Emmanuel Sanders last week and he mentioned that it's starting to feel like he's getting more plays designed for him and called for him. I guess, how do you guys decide, you know, who to design plays for, call plays for, particularly this year? You know, when you look at Ty Montgomery, you guys just have so many weapons. How are you going to, you know, decide how to parcel out the ball during practices?
"I think as you are evaluating these players, before they come in, you kind of have a feel for maybe, hey this is the vision we have for this guy and maybe these are some of the roles that we see him fitting. As we progress through training camp, putting more and more responsibility on guys, maybe early on, it's just, you're really trying to get through, the base offense, the install and then after you kind of break through that maybe after a couple weeks, now you start getting a little bit maybe more specific as to maybe what type of plays you want to put each individual guy on."

Andrus Peat was back at practice today. How positive is that, getting him back when you have, you know, a week left of camp?
"I think that, the nice thing is in the past, we've been able to move guys around and we have some position flexibility. With that group, Dan Roushar and Brendan Nugent have done a great job, but it was great to have him back out there. And we are excited."

What have you seen from Adam Trautman through camp so far?
"Well, I feel like I've been saying this about a lot of guys, but he's another guy that is a quick study. And I just feel like he has such a great feel for (the game). You can put a play in and it can look like this on paper, but a guy's ability to just have maybe a natural feel to find maybe an open void or something like that (is something he has). But from what we've seen so far, I'm really pleased."

Taysom (Hill) obviously you know, is a guy that you guys invested in in the offseason, where have you seen his development now that you know, you've been in training camp for a couple weeks?
"Well, I think the one thing that Sean Payton always does is (the way) these practices are designed, there's these emphasis on specific situations in the game. We've really had an opportunity this training camp to put guys in all sorts of different situations and Taysom has handled those well. And again, he is in and out of the huddle, smooth and really being able to take in at the quarterback position, all the terminology, the concepts and then putting them into certain situations and him being able to do a good job."

That is one of the areas he said he really worked on and is really focused on was the mental side of it, being sharp and in those kinds of areas. Is that something you have seen him improve on since he has been here these last few seasons?
"Yes, it is. And I think that part of that also comes with experience. But it is definitely an area where he has grown."

The wide receiver room is full of a lot of talent, young guys, veteran guys and a mix of both. How do you approach as much as you can say, of course, piecing that room together as roster cuts come closer?
"Well, I think that obviously, we still have a few days here, we'll get a few more practices in and then, you know, every so often we'll have meetings and talk about that as a staff. But again, it's going out and practicing and trying to put maybe guys in certain situations and just see if they can come through. Maybe give them opportunities to make plays and perform. And again we're going to keep working."

When you sign a guy like Bennie Fowler, you kind of know what you're getting just based on the five years or so of tape on him. But I was wondering how often does a veteran like that come in and maybe surprise you or show you something that you maybe didn't expect when you signed them? Just in general, or maybe even about (Bennie) Fowler?
"Well, I think this, I think our personnel department does such a great job of evaluating these guys, prior to (them) coming in, and, and really there's a lot of guys out there that they evaluate and feel like, okay, here's what I like about this player, here's a vision I have for him. As coaches, (we appreciate how they) take a look at him prior to and saying yeah, there's some things there that we like. I am just talking in general about any player. (We will also be) putting them out on the field again and putting them in situations to prove themself."

I wanted to ask you about Joe Brady. And if you think he's ready and what you think makes him ready to be a coordinator at such a young age and just if there's any defining traits? I know in Carolina, they've been talking about how he'll get in there really get involved with the quarterbacks. What stands out about him as he heads into this job?
"I think that from just my experience working with him, you saw a guy that sat in meetings and hung on every word that whether Sean Payton was talking about, whether Drew Brees was talking, whether Joe Lombardi was talking and as you are talking or communicating and maybe scheme, or even personnel. But just his ability to understand the whole concept, not just maybe from the one position. Again, when he was here, again, smart, detailed and obviously you saw the success that he had at LSU. It wasn't surprising to me at all."

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