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Ten of the best quotes from the 2019 Saints Hall of Fame Announcement 

Read the best quotes from the Saints Hall of Fame announcement of Reggie Bush, Marques Colston, and Kathleen Blanco 

The Saints Hall of Fame has selected RB/PR Reggie Bush and WR Marques Colston for induction in 2019, while former Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco has been chosen to receive the Joe Gemelli "Fleur de Lis" award for her vast contributions to the New Orleans Saints organization, announced on June 5, 2019.

New Orleans Saints Coach Sean Payton:

"There is some irony today that we're honoring the first pick of our 2006 draft and the last pick of our 2006 draft. They arrived here in a little different way."

"I would say on a 10 Richter scale, the selection of Reggie Bush was a 9.9 for this organization. If you have a clear memory, you remember the crawfish boil across the street, you remember season tickets being sold out within two hours and they have been ever since that selection. That's pretty dynamic. This was Elvis Presley or Michael Jackson. That's how big it was."

"The consistency and the professionalism and knowing exactly what you were going to get week in and week out, and mind you, what you were going to get was the all-time leading receiver in the history of this organization."

New Orleans Saints Hall of Fame inductee Reggie Bush

"That Super Bowl season was just an amazing run and an amazing time for the city, New Orleans is home away from home for me. I couldn't be happier to go into the Saints Hall of Fame with Colston."

"I truly believe that everybody that came to this team during that time period was brought here for a purpose: For a purpose to help restore hope into the city, to the people by going out and doing what we do best, and that's playing football and winning football games. It's amazing when you have that opportunity to be able to do something like that, when you look back at it and you accomplished it with the guys…that are still some of my best friends to this day."

"I remember when we won the Super Bowl and just seeing the TV screen and it literally looked like the city was on fire. People were running up and down the streets, celebrating, coming together, people crying in tears, laughing, cheering, and that's what sports is about. It's about bringing people together from all different cultures, all different walks of life, different religions, different personal beliefs, and coming together all for the same common goal and that's to win a Super Bowl."

New Orleans Saints Hall of Fame inductee Marques Colston

"I'm just truly humbled to be on this stage and to be a part of this Hall of Fame with so many other great players. When you come into the league as a seventh-round pick something like this isn't really on your radar."

"The opportunity to come and play at this organization, the one thing that you're going to get is an opportunity to show what you can do. Obviously, I'm forever grateful and forever indebted to this organization for giving me that opportunity."

"The opportunity to be here and not only New Orleans but the entire Gulf region, just to play a small role in that resurgence and to have the opportunity to interact with people and interact with people and understand the impact you've made on their lives over the years, there's no feeling in the world like that."

New Orleans Saints Hall of Fame Joe Gemelli "Fleur de Lis" award recipient, Kathleen Blanco

"This is a highlight of my life. The last thing I would have ever imagined is getting a phone call saying ' We want to induct you into the Saints Hall of Fame. ... I'm shocked and really, deeply honored, and I just admire what's going on here with the team. I think Gayle Benson is doing an amazing job, and I'm very proud of her on behalf of all the citizens in Louisiana, but especially of all the women in Louisiana."
