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Jets LB Bart Scott on the Saints vs Jets Matchup

    <span>              <span>                      <span style="">Q: Besides the money that lured you to New York, how much of an influence was it to play in Rex Ryan's defense?</span>                         

A: I just wanted to play with Rex. Really Baltimore had an offer on the table that wasn't too far off from what I got offered here. My loyalty was with Rex because he was my coach. I was with (John) Harbaugh for one year. To start his legacy with him I thought that was a tremendous honor for the media market. It was important for me to see if I could make it on my own.

Q: What is so attractive about playing for Rex?

A: It's his personality and ability to make everybody feel important. I didn't come into this league as a high draft pick. I was an undrafted free agent who had to work his way around, but he always treated me with respect. A lot of guys in my situation are treated like walk ons. He always talked to me and make me feel like I was important. That was the main thing. Before I had accomplished anything, he treated me with dignity.

Q: Why do guys like to play for him defensively?

A: What it is is the ability to be a football player and not a robot. You don't have to run into a particular gap or that type of thing. We would like for plays to work out the way we draw them up, but oftentimes they don't, so you have to use your football knowledge to make football plays. He allows us to do that.

Q: Rex is becoming know for his pregame speeches, laced with some good words. Does it really motivate you guys?

A: For a lot of the guys it's new for them. I've been with him eight years. I know what to expect. For these guys around here, they're really excited. They're really drawn to him and his personality and feel like he's one of them. He's on the front line, putting himself out there. Guys respect that.

Q: You've played Tom Brady and we know how good he is. Draw the comparisons with Drew Brees.

A: With Drew Brees there's no one receiver that you can focus on and say he gets the ball, double him, roll coverage to him. He gets the ball to everybody. Everybody plays harder when they feel they have a chance to get the ball. Sometimes some guys don't run their routes hard because they're not getting the ball and they're a decoy. He gets other guys the ball. That ball is spread all over the place.

Q: How much work was it for Rex Ryan to change the culture of the Jets?

A: I think the players were already here.

Q: A lot of teams shy from playing the Saints man to man. You guys play a lot of man to man. Is that going to be a factor this weekend?

A: We don't adjust. We do what we do. We respect the opponent, but we're not going to change the way we play for an opponent. We have to believe in our system like they believe in theirs.

Q: What do you expect from the Saints offense besides a loud crowd?

A: The last time I was there, there was tremendous energy there. I think the (fans') connection with the Saints is different from anywhere because of the situation. I was part of the last team to play in the Superdome before Katrina hit. We left that night before the storm came and that's something that no other city has had to go to. I think it brought the fans, coaches and players together, not just playing for a team, but representing a great city.

Q: Did you find yourself watching Katrina differently because of that?

A: Yes, it affected me differently because when I was there they were saying it wasn't going to be that bad. We could have been (stuck) in there. A couple of hours later we might not have gotten out of there and would have had to stay there and we weren't prepared because we didn't think it was that bad as well. They were saying like it was no big deal. We easily could have been stuck in the city.

Q: How much of an impact has Rex Ryan had on the 3-0 start?

A: It's his personality. The team is a reflection of the head coach. It's the same players. They have started to have more confidence to believe in themselves. They've gone from a two gap system to a system where they are free to make plays.

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