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Detroit Lions conference calls

Audio and transcripts from head coach Jim Caldwell and wide receiver Lance Moore's conference calls with local media

Detroit Lions Wide Receiver Lance Moore
Conference Call with Local Media
Thursday December 17, 2015

Is it a different set of emotions since you'll be returning to the Superdome?"Yeah, I mean it was definitely a little bit weird last year. I think this year will definitely be a lot more weird going back to the place that pretty much it all started for me and I played for a long time, but my whole deal is not making it a big deal. It's just our next game. It's somewhere that is really important to me and always will be, but my focus is on the game and not so much on my emotions or what I'm trying to get accomplished. (I'm) Just trying to do what I can to help the team win."

How much do you get the sense that people in New Orleans still are fans of you?

"Well if social media is any indicator I get tweets and Instagram from the Who Dat Nation literally just about every day thanking me and wishing I was back there and telling me to come back there. I mean there is a ton of things people say, but obviously there is a mutual love and I will always love that place. Business for me is to do what I can to help the team win, and then hopefully they will cheer for me a little bit."

Since you have been gone there are always fans looking for the next Lance Moore.

"Yeah, I mean that's a pretty cool thing, and obviously I had a lot of success there and people are looking for somebody to replace me or be the next me there, but they have some really good guys. (The Saints have) Some guys that are making really good plays, and like you mentioned Willie Snead is a guy that is playing really well right now and maybe not doing the touchdown dances or having the same antics as I had, but he is definitely showing up each and every Sunday and making plays for those guys."

What do you think about the Willie Snead comparison?

"I think it's pretty fair. Obviously he is a young guy who came up the hard way, bounced around a little bit and found a place he is comfortable in and he is making plays. I think a lot of times, specifically undrafted guys, it's a matter of what you do when you finally get an opportunity and if you actually get an opportunity and some guys never get that true fair shake at it. He is a guy that, kind of similarly to me, you bounce around and find somewhere that is kind of a nice niche for you and you show up and make plays on a daily basis and, obviously, in practice and show up on Sundays and on Mondays or whenever you are playing on film and they have no choice but to play you."

What's been some of the challenges with the offense since your team changed coordinators?

"Well I mean it is definitely an interesting situation because we changed offensive coordinators half way through the season. A lot of the things we were doing in the beginning of the season we are not doing so much anymore. We are running some things the same, but Jim Bob (Cooter) has done a good job of implementing his plays, so we're not doing the exactly the same offense that Joe Lombardi ran here, and that was the tough part transitioning from one coach to the other and learning his new things and kind of putting the other things on the backburner because we don't run a lot of those plays anymore. But thankfully for us we have a lot of guys that have played a lot of ball and adjusted really well. For us to be successful these last three games, it starts with protecting the  football, and in the games that we have turned the ball over and turned it over a bunch we haven't had a chance, but the games we protected it we have done really well so I think that will be the real key this weekend."

Do you and Coach Caldwell ever talk about the Super Bowl?

"No we haven't. No, I don't want to do that to my boss."

Detroit Lions Head Coach Jim Caldwell
Conference Call with Local Media
Thursday, December 17, 2015

What do you guys need to do to put things together over these last three games?

"We really don't look that far ahead. We look at the next game coming up and try to focus in on that. Looking beyond that is something that we try to make certain that we don't do. What we need to do, just in terms of being a better team than we were the week before, and that's in all areas – we need to run it a little bit better, throw it a little better and make certain that we play better defense, and then our kicking game has to be good and solid. We can improve in all areas."

What has been the biggest adjustment to making a switch at offensive coordinator? What have you liked and what do you think still has to be improved on?

"It's always difficult for a number of different reasons. Obviously it is difficult because there are families involved in those releases. Often times, people like to talk about them as if it is just the coach himself. It is not easy. There is a difficulty to that. You have to make a determination on what you want to do in terms of changes that you make from a schematic standpoint, which aren't going to be vast, simply because you can't change that much in a very short period of time. This is several weeks ago for us so we're beyond that point. We're making some adjustments and the thing that we are doing a little bit better is running the ball a little bit more consistently. I think that's key."

Defensively, the Saints have gone through a similar change with Dennis Allen; how far back do you go when you watch tape of a team's defense?

"Obviously, you can look at the personnel as long as the personnel hasn't changed. There is some benefit to that. Other than that, obviously emphasis would change but I do not anticipate, much like us, that the changes are going to be so vast in terms of what you do that there won't be any benefit of looking at every bit of film that you can get your hands on."

What have you seen in the Saints defense? They probably played their best game last week against Tampa Bay.

"I think it's a team that does a very good job of their techniques and fundamentals. They keep the ball in front of them and they rally to it. Obviously, they can rush the passer and they do that very well up front. For the most part, it's a team that has two safeties that are playing very well also. (They have) linebackers that can run. (Dannell) Ellerbe we know, certainly, (because) he was with us in Baltimore. (Kevin) Williams was in this division for a very long time and he's a very good player. There's no question about Cameron Jordan. He gives you all kinds of problems in the run and the pass. We see very good play from that unit."

How was former Saint Tyrunn Walker doing before the injury, and what is his outlook for next season?

"Before the injury, he was doing well. He came in here, learned our system and was giving us a heck of an effort. Not only that, but he was versatile and can play a number of different positions for us. His football IQ is off the charts. He is very smart in that regard. We'll expect him to recuperate. He is coming along and he is healing. We'll see how his rehab comes after he is all finished with that. Obviously, we have Lance (Moore) here with us also. Lance had done a very good job before he got hurt. I think he had a touchdown almost every single week. He was one of those guys early on where there was a lot of system recognition. He was able to come in and give the guys a real good idea, from a systemic standpoint, of what things should look like. It is good to have that kind of veteran presence. We've made some adjustments since but he is still a factor for us."

Have you seen Delvin Breaux lately and how he has been playing?

"I know that he has had an interesting route to the league. Looking at him, he plays well. He is a guy that can run and moves around well. We've found in this league that often times you look at the guys for what they do on the field, or anybody that has on a jersey at any position in this league, is a fine player. It takes a real good athlete to do that. He has certainly been able to handle things very well."

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